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The price of accommodation in one of the following accommodation units includes a trip to:

Terra Park Phalaris

Terra Park SpiritoS


  • Excursions are included for all guests staying in one of the listed accommodation units for a minimum of 7 nights.
  • All additional guests in the mobile homes pay extra for the selected trip according to the regular price list of the agency for that trip.
  • For more information on excursions and dates, talk to the reception department upon check-in in the facility.

Scuba Diving

Il collage creato dalla flora e dalla fauna del mondo sottomarino dell’isola di Pag vi invita a tuffarvi nelle sue profondità per fare un’immersione eccitante e vivere un’avventura indimenticabile. Vivete un’esperienza che vi cambierà per sempre la vita: iniziate a scoprire il mondo come solo i sommozzatori possono fare e preparatevi a vivere emozioni elettrizzanti durante la vostra escursione sul fondale marino dell’isola di Pag.

Foto: Unsplash

Kayak Pag Bay

Trascorrete una vacanza attiva remando e apprezzando al contempo la vista sulle affascinanti scogliere, sulle magiche insenature e sulle grotte isolate. Le escursioni in kayak offrono un’occasione unica per scoprire i luoghi più attraenti dell’isola.

Photo: Novalja Tourist Board

Bike Lun

Awaken the adventurous spirit in yourself by participating in bicycle tours through the beautiful landscapes of the rocky island of Pag and its surroundings. Driving on fine macadam paths allows complete enjoyment in the beauty of centuries-old olive trees.

Photo: Novalja Tourist Board

Hike Life on Mars + Ferrata

Explore Pag's "Mars" and take on the challenge for body and mind through the most beautiful trail track in Croatia. An exotic experience on the rocky landscape of Pag, breathtaking beaches, the mighty climbing rock Stogaj, and the 14-kilometer-long trail with the first sea Via Ferrata is an experience not to be forgotten.

Photo: Novalja Tourist Board